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Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

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We've got your spring home maintenance to-do list!

If you are a homeowner, you know the value of routine maintenance. But with each passing season, there is a new to-do list of repairs, changes, and (let’s face it) inconveniences that pop up. So, what’s the key to tackling it all without getting overwhelmed? Make a list and stick to it. If you consistently follow a home maintenance to-do list for spring, summer, fall, and winter, you can prevent unnecessary stress and costly repairs.

Winter vs. Spring

Winter home maintenance is focused on protecting our homes and keeping them cozy. So, we seal our windows and doors. We add insulation. We store our outdoor furniture and inspect our chimneys to prepare for inclement weather. Spring, on the other hand, is all about upkeep and renewal. We air things out and inspect our homes for winter damage. We engage in the time-honored tradition of spring cleaning—a habit popular on #CleanTok but rooted in history. In fact, as a practice, spring-cleaning dates back to biblical times. Back then, homes were heated by wood or coal and lit by oil lanterns. At the end of the winter, every surface was caked with soot and dirt. Each spring, folks would throw open their doors and windows to air things out and begin the time-consuming process of scrubbing everything clean. The tradition continues to this day but is—fortunately—a lot easier than it used to be.

When Spring Cleaning Isn’t Enough

If spring cleaning has you contemplating some major renovations, you are not alone. Spring and summer are the peak seasons for home repair and renovations. So, if you’re dreaming of an updated kitchen, deck makeover, or new addition, go ahead! Build a budget and get estimates. And, if you’re short on funds, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) could help finance those dream home projects. In fact, now is a great time to unlock your home’s potential. From now until the end of May, we’re offering a special 12-month introductory rate on Home Equity Master Lines. We’ll even pay the standard closing costs on new Master Line accounts. So, take advantage of these warmer temperatures and cross off your to-do list before summer begins—especially if you have repairs or renovations screaming for attention.

To get you started on your 2024 seasonal upkeep, here’s our spring home maintenance checklist:


Spring Cleaning

Your house may not be covered in soot from wood fires and oil lamps like the houses of the past, but it could use a good once over. So, wash the baseboards, windows, walls, floors, and doors. Vacuum and dust every surface—including the blinds and ceiling fans. Scrub your vents and wash your window treatments. Deep clean your oven and fridge. Vacuum the refrigerator coils. Flip your mattress and wash all your bedding and throw pillows. Clean and disinfect all sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets.

Check the Attic

Examine all the nooks and crannies of your attic for leaks, dampness, mold, and pests. Make sure the space is properly ventilated. Check the insulation for gaps, damage, and settling. It should be level with the floor joists. Make sure your exhaust ducts and vents are venting outside and not into the attic. Look for cracks, loose joints, and damage to your ducts and pipes.

Inspect the Basement

Examine the walls, corners, and floors of your basement for cracks, dampness, mildew, and pests. If you find any cracks, measure them and make a note of their size and condition. Watch for changes throughout the seasons. Hairline cracks may not require repair. Cracks that are growing, horizontal, wider at one end, or wider than 1/10 of an inch should be addressed. Do an additional inspection right after heavy rainfall and check for seepage and puddles.

Look for Leaks

Spring is a great time to check for leaky faucets around the house. Check under the sinks and look for wetness around your toilets, dishwasher, and water heater. Don’t forget to check the laundry room as well. Examine your washing machine for dampness as well as cracked, bulging, or leaky hoses.

Inspect Your Detectors

Test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace the batteries if necessary. While you’re at it, examine your fire extinguishers for signs of damage, corrosion or clogged nozzles.

Schedule HVAC Service

The summer of 2023 was one of the hottest summers on record for Oregon. So, before things really heat up, schedule an annual maintenance visit for your air conditioner. A professional can examine your refrigerant levels, clean the ducts and condenser coils, and repair or replace any damaged duct work. They can also flush the lines, inspect the wiring, and make sure key components—like the motor and condenser fan—are working properly.


Check Your Roof and Gutters

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can take a toll on gutters and downspouts. Clear debris (like leaves and twigs) from your gutters and inspect them for damage, wear, and sagging. Pay special attention to areas with rust, cracks, or holes. Scrub away rust and—if possible—repair damage.

While you are at it, perform a visual check on your roof. Look for obvious issues like missing shingles or damaged flashing. Also, check for signs of pest infestation (think: birds, rodents, or insects). Left unchecked, they can damage the roof materials or structure. If you need repairs or pest removal, call a professional

Power Wash

If your house is looking drab, you may not have to repaint! Before investing $3,000 to $12,000 for exterior painting (the average cost in this area), consider power washing. Hire a professional or rent a pressure washer to remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and pollen from your siding and see what a difference it makes. You can also use a pressure washer to clean brick, stone, stucco, cement, decking, and outdoor furniture. It’s cheaper than painting or replacing the dingy things—and very satisfying to watch!

Refresh Exterior Paint

If power washing just won’t cut it, it might be time to repaint. Look for peeling, bubbling, fading, or cracking paint. Check for cracks or gaps in the caulking around the foundation, siding, windows, and door frames. Or, if you have wood siding, watch for gaps or spots where the wood is warping or shrinking. If you notice these issues, schedule an appointment with a professional to assess the situation. After all, your home’s exterior is its first line of defense against pests, weather, and other damaging elements.

Inspect Your Foundation

At least once per year (preferably twice), walk around the exterior of your home and look for cracks, bulging, buckling, warps, and water damage. Examine all support beams and load-bearing elements. Explore your crawlspace for signs of moisture or pest infestation. Next, make sure all of your windows and doors open and close smoothly. If they don’t, your foundation may have shifted. If you notice any of these warning signs, contact a professional. They can perform an expert evaluation to determine whether or not structural repairs are necessary.

Examine Your Deck and Patio

Before sandal season is in full swing, check your deck for warped, loose, or splintered boards. Look for loose or cracked concrete or stones on patios, walkways, and sidewalks. Clear away any moss or weeds. Sweep (or power wash) the surfaces and stain or reseal if necessary.

Update Windows and Repair Screens

With temperatures climbing to the 70s and 80s, you may be tempted to throw open the windows to let in those fresh spring breezes. Before you do that, check your windows and screens. Why? Damaged and warped screens are a gateway for pests and allergens. And after a winter full of unique weather patterns—including high winds, snow, freezing rain, and icy temperatures—your windows may need some TLC. That’s because cold weather can break down window seals. High winds and frosty weather can cause screen frames to warp. So, check the screens for damage (and consider removing them before next winter).

Makeover Your Outdoor Space

If you stored your outdoor furniture for the winter, bring it outside and inspect it. Looking a little dingy? Rinse it with your garden hose or wash it with some mild dish soap. Ready for a total refresh? You’re not alone. According to Zillow, tricked-out back yards are trending right now—and homes with updated spaces are fetching a better price on the home market. If you want to invest in features that will increase your home’s value—and make it more fun in the meantime—consider adding hot-ticket outdoor items like a TV, kitchen, or shower.

Get the Grill Ready  

Your grill has probably sat unused for months, so spring is a great time to check the propane, hoses, and connections for issues. Check the entire grill for insect infestations and give it a proper cleaning. Before your first barbeque, give the grill a test run.

Test Irrigation

Spring in Oregon means wet, soggy weather, but dry, hot summer days are on the horizon. Before they arrive, test your irrigation system and check your garden hoses for leaks and cracks. Run your sprinkler system manually and walk your property to check each zone. Make sure the water is spraying efficiently and not running onto pavement or walkways. Look for dry spots where the water doesn’t reach and adjust accordingly.

Tackle Summer Pest Control

Nothing wrecks a summer gathering like an infestation of pesky pests. So, take steps now to minimize issues in the coming months. Step one? Eliminate standing water. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes—and they only need one inch of moisture to lay eggs. Walk around your property and dump pooled water from flowerpots, buckets, toys, and birdbaths. Clean your water features and keep the water moving with a bubbler, fountain, or waterfall. Also, remove debris (like fallen leaves and branches) where pests can hide and keep your lawn tidy.

In essence, routine seasonal maintenance is the key to preventing stress and costly repairs for your home. Think of it like tending to a garden. Each season requires a different kind of care, but together, those routines help the whole garden flourish. From sealing your windows in winter to reviving outdoor spaces in spring, the goal is consistent upkeep. So, as you tackle your spring maintenance checklist, remember: a little effort now saves a lot of headaches later.

If you encounter some necessary repairs or remodeling projects along the way, don’t fret. Just contact us and take advantage of our 12-month introductory rate on Home Equity Master Lines. We’d be happy to help you fund your dream home using the resources you already have!

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